Who We Are:
We are Women of Hope. We are women who have found and placed our hope in Jesus Christ, who has offered us His salvation and redemption so that we can be reconciled to God. We believe that we were created by God and for God. (Isa. 43). This makes us HIS daughters. Our identity, security, significance, and authority is found first in Him.
H = Highly Valued
I = Important Part of His Redemption Plan
S = Called to Stand for Righteousness
What We Believe:
As HIS daughters, we are called to live in connection with Him. We cannot do anything without Him. We must be rooted and grounded in His character and nature until we look more like Jesus, than ourselves.Our goal is to know Him and enjoy Him forever.
Since we are ALL His daughters, we believe that makes us sisters. Our hearts are to love each other like real sisters, loving each other and walking in unity TOGETHER. We embrace the diversity within us knowing that all of us are an important part of the same body. As sisters, He has called us to live:
C: Committed to each other.
A: Authentically together.
G: Giving grace to each other.
E: Embracing one another.
What We Do:
We believe that God desires to work IN us so He can work THROUGH us.
We believe that God has called us take those gifts and pour them out upon our world dangerously. DANGEROUSLY = WITHOUT RESERVE, WITHOUT RETREAT. We recognize the beauty and power in our femininity to call forth this generation to stand for what is right. We are determined to go about doing good wherever He has placed us. We are imperfect but determined to walk in obedience. We are weak but He is strong. Our hearts are to be warriors who intercede and fight the kingdom of darkness by His power for those we love.
We can and will make a difference. We truly desire to be Women of Hope.