Revolution Youth exits to CONNECT students and EQUIP them to PURSUE Jesus, LOVE others and OFFER HOPE to this generation.
Revolution meets every Wednesday night from 6:00 – 7:30 pm. This is a time for students to connect with other students and with God. We connect with each other through activities and time to hangout. We connect with God through moments of worship and praying for others. We grow through challenging messages and small group times. And we go to our community, family and school to share what God is doing in our lives.
Speed the Light (STL) is the way our students support missions all over the world. We give so our missionaries can travel faster, preach clearer, and be heard louder, in order that all the world may hear the good news of Jesus. Watch the attached video to learn more.
We are very proud of the level of service that we have had from students as we strive to raise funds for Speed the Light. Many of these students do not have jobs to earn money to give to STL. Therefore, we have worked hard to provide opportunities for them to raise money in unique ways so that we can help provide missionaries around the world with the equipment that they need to speed the light of the Gospel.
Contact Pastor Nate Boven for more information